Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Box carnage.

It should come as no surprise that I love to read.  I am a librarian after all.  But libraries are so much more than just books these days.   We have ebook collections, databases, CDS, and a rather robust DVD collection (current holdings: 3757).  Libraries (and librarians) exist to help people with their information needs, whatever they might be, and we will use any and all resources at our disposal to get you the information you seek, as well as some information you need but didn't know to look for.

But let's talk about reading books just a bit more. As you can see from the picture below, I have received a huge quantity of books in the last week. The box carnage was even worse than the picture. I only photographed half of it. Now, even though I love reading, I realize that not everyone feels the same way, and that some people just don't have time.  Would I love it if everyone who came into the library checked out a book to read? Oh yes! But I recognize the causes of resistance to reading, and why someone might be reluctant to read for fun.  I can assure you though that if you come to this library looking for something good to read that I will work with you to find you a book you will enjoy.  We do not judge what a person chooses to read, so if you are fifty years old and want to read a young adult novel you can! Want a graphic novel? We've got those too! Short stories, novels in verse, memoirs, biographies, narrative nonfiction, personal philosophies, cookbooks, picture books, romance, horror, science fiction, fantasy, true crime? We have all this and more, and would love it if you would check out a book on something you enjoy or find fascinating. No one will give you flack about anything you choose to read. (Although, if all you check out is books on serial killers we might get a little nervous).

I'm off to wrangle with the contents of these empty boxes. A librarian's work is never truly done.

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